Lyuben Todev
Любен Тодев се присъедини към екипа на Адвокатско дружество „Добрев и Люцканов” през 2013 г. като стажант. От 2014 г. е Младши асоцииран адвокат. От месец август 2016 г. е на позицията Адвокат, а от август 2017 година - Асоцииран адвокат. От януари 2020 година Любен Тодев е Старши асоцииран адвокат.
Специализира в областта на Корпоративно право и преобразуване на търговски дружества; Трудово право и имиграция; Интелектуална собственост.
Адв. Тодев е магистър по право (2012 г.) от Софийски университет „Св. Климент Охридски”, специализация Публична администрация. От 2020 г. е зачислен като задочен докторант към катедра "Теория и история на държавата и правото" на Софийски университет „Св. Климент Охридски” с тема на дисертационния труд "Юридически факти във виртуална среда".
От 2023 г. води семинарни занятия към катедра "Теория и история на държавата и правото" на Софийски университет „Св. Климент Охридски” като хоноруван преподавател.
Член на Софийска адвокатска колегия.
Езици: английски, немски
Smart Contract
The concept of ‘smart contract’ is widely used in relation to cryptocurrencies and blockchain operations. Smart contracts also are envisioned as a tool for handling transactional relationships involving storage of electric power in batteries, as provided for in the National
- Lyuben Todev
- 12:29 - 13/09/2022
The Digital Services and Digital Markets Acts – the Next Steps Towards the European Future
One of the main goals of the European Union is to expand digitalization as a means to promoting a dynamic economy and efficient governance while also attaining the environmental targets of the Member States. Consistent concrete steps to be made
- Lyuben Todev
- 10:12 - 27/06/2022
For a third consecutive year Dobrev & Lyutskanov Law Firm participated in the issue of the Global Legal Insights series, dedicated to Artificial Intelligence and Big Data. The Global Legal Insights guides are issued every year and are aimed at
- Lyuben Todev
- 18:40 - 17/06/2022
The EU Approach to the Regulation of Artificial Intelligence
The advancement of technologies leads to increasing application of various algorithms that can develop on the basis of machine learning. Therefore, an issue of special importance is the approach to the regulation of artificial intelligence and its application in various
- Lyuben Todev
- 12:50 - 04/01/2022
Requirements to the Storage of Electronic Documents in Employee Files
The increasing spread of teleworking, together with the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, have changed the way employees and employers communicate. Until recently, the exchange of documents between them could be expected to create problems at the time when the
- Lyuben Todev
- 17:58 - 11/11/2021
The Taxonomy Regulation – the Framework to Facilitate Sustainable Investment in the EU
On 22 June 2020, Regulation (EU) 2020/852 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2020 on the establishment of a framework to facilitate sustainable investment, and amending Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 (the Taxonomy Regulation) was published in
- Lyuben Todev
- 11:21 - 16/07/2021
Dobrev & Lyutskanov Law Firm Joined in the Publication of Global Legal Insights 2021 On the Topics of Ai, Machine Learning and Big Data
Dobrev & Lyutskanov Law Firm joined for a second consecutive year in the issue of the Global Legal Insights series. The Global Legal Insights series is issued yearly and is aimed towards analysis of the legislation of the targeted countries
- Lyuben Todev
- 18:22 - 09/06/2021
Dobrev & Lyutskanov Law Firm joined in the publication of Global Legal Insights on the topics of AI and big data
On invitation by Global Legal Group – a leading company in the field of specialized legal analysis and comparative legal guides – Dobrev & Lyutskanov Law Firm joined in the issue of the Global Legal Insights series. The Global Legal
- Lyuben Todev
- 15:47 - 01/07/2020
Trademark Protection against Infringements – What Issues Arise in Challenging the Registration of a National Trademark
A registered trademark enables its owner to object to the use of the trademark for the same products by other persons within the territory for which the trademark has been registered. Under certain conditions, the protection might affect also signs
- Lyuben Todev
- 16:59 - 18/12/2019
The General Data Protection Regulation within the EU Digital Single Market Strategy
12_2017_EN_The General Data Protection Regulation within the EU Digital Single Market Strategy _LT Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of
- Lyuben Todev
- 11:28 - 20/12/2017
The growth of the New Silk Road – opportunities for business
The notion New Silk Road refers to a network of infrastructural projects, aimed at enhancing the existing and creating new trade and energy corridors between countries from China to the Netherlands. The projects encompass two routs, one on land and
- Lyuben Todev
- 17:34 - 05/12/2017
Development of the proposal for E-Privacy Regulation
The debate on the European Commission’s proposal for E-Privacy regulation – part of the Digital Single Market Strategy, which rules should complement and act jointly with the General Data Protection Regulation – continues. The proposed new regulation pursues the goal
- Lyuben Todev
- 17:33 - 05/12/2017
Workshop on new Data Protection Regulation
A seminar on the implementation of the new General Data Protection Regulation was held on 24 October 2017. The event was organized by the German-Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry with the participation of representatives of the Commission for Personal
- Lyuben Todev
- 17:35 - 13/11/2017
New Interpretative Case Opened
Interpretative Case No 3/2017 of the General Assembly of the Civil and Commercial Colleges of the Supreme Court of Cassation was opened with an order dated 30 June 2017 to examine three questions concerning the repayment of monetary debt, in
- Lyuben Todev
- 21:21 - 13/09/2017
Seminar on the subject ‘Current Changes in the Civil Procedure Code, the Special Pledges Act and the Commerce Act’
On the 20th and the 21st of June 2017 was held a seminar on the subject ‘Current Changes in the Civil Procedure Code, the Special Pledges Act and the Commerce Act’. Within the framework of the seminar the changes in
- Lyuben Todev
- 22:41 - 07/08/2017
Legal Regime of the Liability of Information Society Service Providers in the Case of Infringements of Intellectual Property Rights
04_Legal Regime of the Liability of Information Society Service Providers_LT[english] Technological advances continuously pose new challenges to the intellectual property protection. The most recent developments to this effect relate to information technologies and the broader access to the internet. Works
- Lyuben Todev
- 13:31 - 19/05/2017
Seminar on the New Challenges in the Electronic Environment – Legal Aspects
On 24 March 2017, the National Institute of Justice, together with the Bar Training Centre, organized a seminar entitled The New Challenges in the Electronic Environment – Legal Aspects on the protection of intellectual property rights in the provision of
- Lyuben Todev
- 21:27 - 11/04/2017
Register of Bank Accounts and Bank Safe Deposit Boxes
The new Article 56a of the Credit Institutions Act entered into force on 1 January 2017, providing for the establishment of a register with the Bulgarian National Bank with the following content: bank account numbers, the names of the account
- Lyuben Todev
- 10:47 - 02/02/2017
Industry 4.0 in Bulgaria economic forum
On 23 June 2016, the Industry 4.0 in Bulgaria economic forum took place to discuss the new industrial revolution caused by the development of information technologies and the possibilities for digitalization of all aspects of the economy. The forum was
- Lyuben Todev
- 23:17 - 04/07/2016
Forms of Residence of Workers and Employees Managers and Company Representatives
Forms of Residence of Workers and Employees or Managers and Company Representatives [english] On 24 March and 7 April 2016, the Legal Days of the German-Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce, a specialized workshop on topical legal and tax issues
- Lyuben Todev
- 17:25 - 08/04/2016
Applicability of Enforcement Proceedings to Contracts with an Arbitration Clause: Risks and Opportunities
14_Applicability of Enforcement Proceedings to Contracts with an Arbitration Clause_LT[english] As well as the option to agree on arbitration, the parties to a dispute have the opportunity to agree on the relevant procedure. Generally, arbitration provides for a faster final
- Lyuben Todev
- 18:21 - 20/12/2015
The Breach of the Employer’s Trust as a Disciplinary Violation under the Bulgarian Labour Law
07_The Breach of the Employers Trust as a Disciplinary Violation under the Bulgarian Labour Law_LT[english] A major issue in labour law is the challenge of the termination of an employment relationship at the employer’s initiative. In its case law, the
- Lyuben Todev
- 12:11 - 21/05/2015
Guaranteed Savings Contracts (ESCO Contracts)
12_ESCO Contracts_April_14_LT_en The Energy Efficiency Act (hereinafter referred to as “the EEA”, promulgated in The Official Gazette, No, 98 of 14 November 2008 and entered into force on 14 November 2008) regulates the pursuit of the government policy for enhanced
- Lyuben Todev
- 16:51 - 14/04/2014