Workshop on the topic “Blockchain” and seminar about trade secret
On the 8th of May 2019 was held a workshop on the topic “Blockchain”. In the framework of the event were reviewed the main characteristics of the blockchain technology, the challenges currently hindering the application of blockchain , the directions, in which the technology shall change in the immediate future, and how they help businsess, as well as the real applications of blockchain technology.
Another event, organized by the DBIHK is the speciallized seminar on the topic ‘Trade secret, the new provisions in the Law on the protection of trade secret, practical implications’, held on the 30th of May 2019. Within its scope was included an analysis of the institute of the trade secret and its protection.
Dobrev & Lyutskanov Law Firm was represented at both events by attorney-at-law Tereza Shishkova.