Legal Services

The fields of activity of Law Firm “Dobrev & Lyutskanov” include Banking & Finance, capital markets, competition law, corporate and M&A and others.

Banking and Finance

Law Firm has substantial experience and practice in the field of banking and finance. Our team provides legal service to many local and foreign banks and financial institutions with regard to their operations within the territory of Bulgaria.

Capital Markets

Our lawyers advise clients in the course of primary and secondary public securities offerings and in all other aspects related to the procedures under the Public Offering of Securities Act.

Competition Law

Throughout this period, our team has successfully gained substantial experience in the enforcement of the EU and national legislation that increasingly shapes the standards of business conduct and practice.

Corporate and M&A

Ever since its establishment DOBREV & LYUTSKANOV Law Firm has focused on corporate law as a major sphere in which it offers thorough and diverse legal consultancy to its Bulgarian and foreign clients.

Employment and Immigration

The activities of DOBREV & LYUTSKANOV Law Firm in this sphere focus on legal advice and consultancy to employers and/or employees with regard to all forms of labour relations.


Всеки ден бизнесът, който се занимава с изграждането, производството, преноса и продажбата на електроенергия, се изправя пред нуждата от вземане на глобални решения и среща различни бизнес предизвикателства.

Environment and Utilities

DOBREV & LYUTSKANOV Law Firm has developed diverse legal practice in the field of environmental law and it provides full legal services to our business-oriented clients who invest in real estate, the energy sector, chemical engineering.

Infrastructure, Transport and Communication

Within the area of infrastructure project development, property status, easements, land and ownership preservation, the proper and up-to-date legal advice is of major importance.


Insolvency issues have recently become quite topical because of the growing number of insolvent undertakings against the backdrop of the global financial and economic crisis.

Intellectual Property

The lawyers in DOBREV & LYUTSKANOV Law Firm have substantial experience in the provision of legal services ensuring comprehensive protection of intellectual property rights.

Litigation and ADR

DOBREV & LYUTSKANOV Law Firm provides highly qualified legal defence of its Bulgarian and foreign clients before all Bulgarian courts, as well as domestic and international arbitration tribunals.

Public Procurement and Concessions

DOBREV & LYUTSKANOV Law Firm provides full legal servicing throughout the entire procedure of awarding a public procurement contract. Our firm provides assistance and consultancy in drafting all the documents required for participation.

Real Estate аnd Construction

Clients can rely on our broad legal acumen and innovative thinking to guide their real estate projects from start to finish. We cover and resolve all legal issues that are intrinsically related to the implementation of investment projects.


DOBREV & LYUTSKANOV Law Firm has developed great knowledge and wide and in-depth understanding of all taxation matters and tax issues in line with its aim to provide high professional and first class service to our clients in their daily business activities.