The term for re-registration of non-profit legal entities is extended to December 31, 2022

With an Act of amendment of the Non-Profit Legal Entities Act, published in State Gazette, issue 107 from December 18, 2020, the term for re-registration of non-profit legal entities from the registry at the District Courts to the Registry of the Non-Profit Legal Entities at the Registry Agency, has been extended to December 31, 2022.

The Non-Profit Legal Entities Act and the Commercial Registry and the Registry of the Non-Profit Legal Entities Act do not provide for any consequences for non-profit legal entities, who are not re-registered, which creates uncertainty in the commercial and civil circulation. For comparison, with regard to commercial companies, which were not re-registered, there is an explicit provision that for such cases the activity of the company is terminated and if not re-registered, the company is considered to have been erased from the registry.

Insofar the application by analogy of the provisions concerning the activity of commercial companies is not possible with regard to non-profit legal entities, to this point it is still unclear how will be treated cases, where the latter have not been re-registered at the Registry Agency in the so extended term until December 31, 2022.