The Bulgarian Ministry of Innovation and Growth published information concerning procedure Technological Modernization
In the framework of the Bulgarian National Plan for Recovery and Resilience the Ministry of Innovation and Growth published on 22.07.2022 information concerning procedure BG-RRP-3.004 Technological Modernization. Via this procedure the amount of 260 000 000 BGN shall be provided as grants for improving the efficiency of production processes. The term for filing tenders has already started, whereas the final term for filing is 21.09.2022 until 21.09.2022.
The grants under procedure Technological Modernization are for up to 50% of the specific investment, dpeending on the type of the applying enterprise, whereas the amount shall not be less than 35 000 BGN, nor more than 700 000 BGN (the maximum amount depends on the type of the enterprise). The grant shall be provided for acquistion of assets for the purpose of digitalization of the production processes, which must result in increase of the production capacity or diversification of the provided goods or services.
The grants are provided only to micro-, small or medium enterprises under the definitions Bulgarian Act on Small and Medium Enterprises, which are registered as commercial entities in accordance of the Bulgarian Commerce Act or the Bulgarian Cooperations Act, as well as other commercial entities registered under the legislation of another EU member state., under the condition that they are registered no later than 31.12.2019. There is also a requirement for minimum volume of sales for the period 2019 – 2021, whereas the main activity of the enterprise must be in the field of high-tech production, high-tech services, waste collection and recycling, as well as regional priority sectors – such as production of foods, drinks, cloths, clothing, basic metals, metal products, plastics and rubber products, etc. A main requirement for the investment is to not cause significant harm to the ecological goals, indicated in art. 17 of the Taxonomy Regulation, as well as to be in accordance with the principals of equality between men and women and of equal opportunities for all. More information concerning the National Plan For Recovery and Resilience is available at the website of the Ministry of Innovation and Growth –, and the documents should be filed via the ISUN system –