Dobrev & Lyutskanov Law Firm Wins a Big Lawsuit for Unpaid Insurance Compensation
Dobrev & Lyutskanov Law Firm has successfully represented one of its clients in a big insurance case and won the lawsuit for unpaid insurance compensation.
Our client is a canning company. In the hot August of 2012 fire broke in a large canning factory it owns and the factory was completely destroyed. The damages to our client amounted to BGN 2 926 968,95. The insurance company, with which our client had a valid insurance contract, paid only a partial compensation in the amount of BGN 1 282 004,65 and refused to pay the rest of the compensation up to the full amount of the damages.
A procedure before court was held immediately to secure evidence necessary to assess the damages caused to the insured building, which in the meantime was dangerous to the life and health of the employees and had to be removed immediately, and then a claim was filed for the rest of the compensation due, together with interest. The proceedings in the case ended with an final decision by which the court upheld the claims in full and ordered the insurance company to pay to our client the remaining part of the compensation in the amount of BGN 1 644 964,30, together with interest and all court expenses.
At present, as a result of the actions of the law firm and with the assistance of a private bailiff, all sums awarded to our client for the principal and the accrued interest have been collected.