Event, organized by Dobrev & Lyutskanov Law Firm and DBIHK on the topic Poblems of the Digital Single Market
Dobrev & Lyutskanov Law Firm in cooperation with the German-Bulgarian Industrial and Commercial chamber (DBIHK) organized a workshop on the topic Problems of the Digital Single Market – software applications as copyright objects, protection of rights in e-commerce. The event took place on 13.03.2018 and the topic was presented by attorney-at-law Lyuben Todev and eng. Eksenia Rangelova.
The creation of a Digital Single Market is a priority goal for the EU – the creation of favorable environment for innovation and encouragment of ideas is a precursor for guranteeing the competitiveness of the economies of the member-states in the course of the fourth industrial revolution. The workshop discussed two specific problems in the context of the Digital Single Market – protection of ideas, on which software applications are based, and the prevention of the infringement of rights in e-commerce.