A new session of the Supreme Court of Cassation and the Supreme Administrative Court in Interpretative Case No. 2 of 2014

The third successive session of the Supreme Court of Cassation and the Supreme Administrative Court in Interpretative Case No. 2 of 2014 has been scheduled for 12 March 2015 so that to clarify the jurisdiction of disputes concerning the damage caused by the activity of government bodies, which remain outside the scope of the Central and Local Government Liability Act. The ruling on the opening of the case refers to the damage caused by: administrative penalties imposed in contravention to the existing laws (including the costs of appealing against them, which cannot be adjudicated in the proceedings under Article 59 et seq. of the Administrative Violations and Penalties Act); unlawful action or inaction on part of judicial authorities; state-owned or municipal infrastructure; violations of the citizens’ rights to equal treatment; unlawful action or inaction on part of bailiffs in proceedings under Chapter Seventeen of the Administrative Procedure Code; the failure to accept a civil servant restored to his or her position by the court and other damage outside the scope of the Civil Servants Act; unlawful rejections, action and inaction on part of registration officials under the Companies Registry Act; unlawful actions on part of the prison administration related to the service of sentences. The decision is expected also to answer the question which court should rule on petitions against the refusal to issue a farmland sketch map and against acts issued under Article 24bis of the Farmland Ownership and Use Act.