Dobrev & Lyutskanov Law Firm participated in a public tender in Uganda

Dobrev & Lyutskanov Law Firm, as a part of a Joint Venture with two other companies, participated in a public tender/bid advertised by the Government of Uganda through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development. The bid is for provision of consultancy services with regard to reviewing the policy, legal and institutional framework relevant to nuclear energy development in the Republic of Uganda.

After an expression of interest for provision of the consultancy services and after the pre-selecting stage, the Joint Venture have been short-listed and invited to submit a proposal for the participation in the bid by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development.

All documents have been submitted and the Joint Venture, a part of which is Dobrev & Lyutskanov Law Firm, will compete with two other Joint Ventures invited by the Ministry to submit a proposal for participation.